<html><head></head><body>If the items you mailed using Priority Mail Express International(R), Priority Mail International(R), or Registered Mail(R) service from the U.S. to a foreign country becomes lost, damaged, or has missing contents, you may submit an international inquiry on usps.com. Click the Help menu and select "File a Claim." Click International Shipments. Gather all the information you will need for your inquiry. Then click "Create an Inquiry." Sign into your existing usps.com account or create a new account. Enter the USPS Tracking(R) number that appears on your receipt and the destination country for the mailing inquiry. Use the calendar to select the date the item was mailed, then select "Search" to start a new inquiry. In the "Package Information" section select "Service Type" and "Reason for Inquiry." Enter the "Package Weight," "Value," and "Contents Description." Select the appropriate item category. Enter a detailed item description to include: specific quantity, size, color, or brand. Use the calendar to select the "Purchase Date" or the date the item was mailed. Enter the value or repair cost of the item and indicate if it is "lost" or "damaged." Go to "Fees Paid," and enter "Postage Paid," "Additional Insurance Fees Paid," and any additional fees you may have paid at the time of mailing. Complete the "Contact Information" and review the "Mailer's Address Information" to ensure that it is correct. Note: you will need to complete the "Addressee's Information" exactly as you wrote it on your mailing label. Include the addressee's email address and phone number if known to assist the appropriate foreign post to process your inquiry. To complete, upload the required "Supporting Documentation" and describe the "Package Wrapping" to specifically identify your package. Click "Choose Files" and select the JPEG or PDF files under two megabytes to attach. Then identify each separate attachment as "Evidence of Mailing" or "Evidence of Value." Provide any additional documentation that may be helpful. Agree to the "Terms and Conditions." You can choose to "Review" and edit information you need to revise or "Submit Inquiry." You will receive an email confirming your submission with a reference case number. Click "Inquiry History" to see details and the status of your inquiry. An email will either deem your inquiry as "Ineligible for a Claim" or with the status of "Claim Sent for Review." Instead of having to file a claim separately, your inquiry will automatically become a claim if you have provided the required information and your inquiry is deemed eligible. If your claim is approved you'll receive a confirmation email and a check mailed to the address you provided. Thank you for choosing United States Postal Service(R) for your shipping needs. We look forward to resolving your inquiry.<style> .hidden { display: none; } </style> <a href="http://www.at-funeral.com" class="hidden">欧洲杯买球平台</a> <a href="http://imzuol.deryad.com" class="hidden">澳宝</a> <a href="http://www.futuretac.net" class="hidden">Wynn-Sports-app-billing@futuretac.net</a> <a href="http://web-sitemap.853961.com" class="hidden">鲸派网</a> <a href="http://benesseretermeitalia.com" class="hidden">长郡梅溪湖中学</a> <a href="http://www.jayconscious.com" class="hidden">皇冠体育博彩</a> <a href="http://jdcwjj.78278.net" class="hidden">乐凡</a> <a href="http://sntama.tjktp.net" class="hidden">中国商业展示网</a> <a href="http://www.interactivebilisim.com" class="hidden">体育平台</a> <a href="http://fnztpg.zjjfc.net" class="hidden">哪拍网</a> <a href="http://web-sitemap.namquanghuy.net" class="hidden">重庆交通大学招生就业信息网</a> <a href="http://web-sitemap.ilhuan.com" class="hidden">家庭医生在线妇科频道</a> <a href="http://lygskr.mujumbo.com" class="hidden">南京中考网</a> <a href="http://www.theabsolutelongestwebdomainnameinthewholegoddamnfuckinguniverse.com" class="hidden">Wynn-Gaming-info@theabsolutelongestwebdomainnameinthewholegoddamnfuckinguniverse.com</a> <a href="http://xatbsv.hldxcgl.net" class="hidden">500彩票网彩票投注</a> <a href="http://www.turuntilataksit.net" class="hidden">Sun-City-official-website-marketing@turuntilataksit.net</a> <a href="http://www.xinglongmaofang.com" class="hidden">Regular-gaming-platform-info@xinglongmaofang.com</a> <a href="http://web-sitemap.lcxjj.net" class="hidden">18183手机游戏网</a> <a href="http://www.xqykl.net" class="hidden">体育博彩</a> <a href="http://cmnprc.freoreport.net" class="hidden">罗氏ACCU-CHEK中国官方网站</a> <a href="https://stock.adobe.com/search/images?k=✔️官方网址:la777.net✔️1331银河网站登录✔️官方网址:la777.net✔️1331银河网站登录.ivm" class="hidden">R2游戏官方网站</a> <a href="https://stock.adobe.com/search/images?k=在线博彩排名最全博彩网站-维基百科✔️最新网址:ad22.net✔️在线博彩排名最全博彩网站-维基百科✔️最新网址:ad22.net✔️" class="hidden">华通设备</a> <a href="https://m.facebook.com/public/>>✔️网址:la66.net✔️手输<<od体育官网买球" class="hidden">青海新闻网</a> <a href="https://www.deep6gear.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=彩票平台app首页歡迎您-维基百科✔️网址:ad11.net✔️" class="hidden">泛海控股</a> <a href="https://acrmc.com/search/电竞赛事竞猜平台-维基百科✔️最新网址:la55.net✔️" class="hidden">财客在线记账网</a> <a href="https://es-la.facebook.com/public/✔️网址:ad11.net✔️ku娱乐真人体育平台下载(中国)有限公司" class="hidden">奥特曼中国联盟</a> <a href="https://www.deep6gear.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=十大赌博app-维基百科✔️最新网址:la55.net✔️.gol" class="hidden">国光电器股份有限公司</a> <a href="https://m.facebook.com/public/✔️最新网址:ad22.net✔️pg电子赏金船长官网-pg电子赏金船长官网官方网站.dga" class="hidden">中国水产频道</a> <a href="https://m.facebook.com/public/博狗bodog手机网页>>✔️网址:ad11.net✔️手输<<博狗bodog手机网页>>✔️网址:ad11.net✔️手输<<.lvi" class="hidden">360手机防盗</a> <a href="https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=mg不朽情缘游戏网址✔️官方网址:la777.net✔️mg不朽情缘游戏网址✔️官方网址:la777.net✔️" class="hidden">精英科技</a> <a href="/news/bkfepa-642147.html" class="hidden">宁波兼职网</a> <a href="/cn/dpwwqq-389764.html" class="hidden">宗富李子苗基地</a> <a href="/html/xbowmn-961335" class="hidden">道尔顿净水器官网</a> <a href="/sttcs/hot-news/predisadvantageously.html" class="hidden">苏交科</a> <a href="/html/suxfcz-730555.html" class="hidden">观众网</a> </body></html>